Rotation matrix — In linear algebra, a rotation matrix is a matrix that is used to perform a rotation in Euclidean space. For example the matrix rotates points in the xy Cartesian plane counterclockwise through an angle θ about the origin of the Cartesian… … Wikipedia
Rotation group — This article is about rotations in three dimensional Euclidean space. For rotations in four dimensional Euclidean space, see SO(4). For rotations in higher dimensions, see orthogonal group. In mechanics and geometry, the rotation group is the… … Wikipedia
Tool bit — The term tool bit generally refers to a non rotary cutting tool used in metal lathes, shapers, and planers. Such cutters are also often referred to by the set phrase name of single point cutting tool. The cutting edge is ground to suit a… … Wikipedia
rotation — 1. Turning or movement of a body around its axis. 2. A recurrence in regular order of certain events, such as the symptoms of a periodic disease. 3. In medical education, a period of time on a particular service or specialty … Medical dictionary
hand tool — any tool or implement designed for manual operation. * * * Introduction any of the implements used by craftsmen in manual operations, such as chopping, chiseling, sawing, filing, or forging. Complementary tools, often needed as auxiliaries to… … Universalium
Gyroscopic exercise tool — Powerball Neon Green Pro working A gyroscopic exercise tool is a device used to exercise the wrist as part of physical therapy or in order to build palm, forearm and finger strength. It can also be used as a unique demonstration of some aspects… … Wikipedia
Crop rotation — Fallow redirects here. For other uses, see Fallow (disambiguation). Satellite image of circular crop fields in late June 2001. Healthy, growing crops are green. Corn would be growing into leafy stalks by then. Sorghum, which resembles corn, grows … Wikipedia
Optical rotation — (optical activity) is the turning of the plane of linearly polarized light about the direction of motion as the light travels through certain materials. It occurs in solutions of chiral molecules such as sucrose (sugar), solids with rotated… … Wikipedia
facing tool — Metalworking. a lathe tool for smoothing a plane surface at right angles to the axis of rotation. [1880 85] * * * facing tool, a cutting tool for smoothing work on a lathe … Useful english dictionary
facing tool — Metalworking. a lathe tool for smoothing a plane surface at right angles to the axis of rotation. [1880 85] * * * … Universalium
facing tool — /ˈfeɪsɪŋ tul/ (say faysing toohl) noun a lathe tool for smoothing a plane surface at right angles to the axis of rotation …